Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Come Into My Trading Room

Hey Everyone:

Keith Volz has asked me to post the charts for the recent plays I made, and I am happy to do so. The charts should be pretty self-explanatory. I do this with ALL my charts, I set my BUY target area (or "bounce" area), as well as my "Target Price," which is one of my decision points to either take profits at resistance, or sell a Covered Call. By putting these right on the charts, it is very easy to see where I am in my trades. Reviewing them takes all of 2-5 seconds.

You'll notice that my plays usually are entered when the stock is at support and my MACD and STO are at their very bottom (or as close to them as possible). I normally DO NOT WAIT for 3 Green Arrows as I find that while it may be more "convincing," it is also less profitable. By playing earlier (when the MACD and STO begin to head up) I am buying at a lower price and therefore have less risk if I just play the 3 Green Arrows.

If I see a severe bounce, I may nibble a bit to test the waters, then wait for a pullback and buy more shares near support. The nibble gets me into the trade and if it soars from there, at least I have something. If it pulls back to support, I buy more because the Stop-Loss is the same (1% Swing, 3% Trend below recent support), but my entry price is lower, exposing me to less risk if the stock falls.

Calling a Bottom

I also got into a small position of SBUX today. Now, from the looks of the chart, you may ask, "why would he buy a downtrending stock?" The simple reason is, "I believe it hit bottom." Here is the chart:You'll notice it hit this level twice before and bounced. It has bounced again and I got in a small position. I really don't know how high this could go over the following months. I suspect maybe those horizontal resistance levels may come into play, or even some Fibonnacci lines too if I draw them. Anyway, my reward/risk ratio seems pretty good, so we'll see how it plays out.

By the way, I bought SBUX back on 9/12/06 when it bounced making a Higher High and a Higher Low. That trade worked out very well! Needless to say, after exiting that trade (after 2 Covered Calls), I have waited patiently for it to come back to me. Maybe it has? Or maybe not?

Finally, let's revisit HUM:
The stock has definitely made a bounce here (making a Higher high) and I would consider getting in. You see a couple of Price Targets, make sure your portfolio positioning is reasonable (I never expose more than 1% of downside in any one stock), and go for it (not a recommendation to buy).

Happy Trading!

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